So i've been considering, getting a new hamster. If I had to choose, I would probably pick a Syrian Hamster. Preferably female but small. And color, well? You can't really choose the color till you get there. I like Syrians better because 1. You can hold them much longer than dwarfs 2. they live longer 3. They are just plain cute.
I also don't like Syrians because 1. The longer they are in your hand, the more they go into the bathroom in your hand. 2. They poop and pee more 3........ I can't think of a 3.
I'd pay for it by myself of course, so really there is nothing standing in my way of getting one. They are simply, adorable, some what easy creatures to take care of. Even my mother, her holy mouse hating highness, thinks that the Hamsters are the best pets i've had. Surprising isn't it?..... *Update* I don't think I will get another Hamster... Instead I'll just spoil my Guinea Pigs :) 

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