I have now noticed that a lot of people are now saying it's better for hamster to have small spaces??? Make up your mind! I personally think bigger is better but if you can't afford a big cage and you get a small cage I think that's okay too. As long as you let your hamster out for about 20min or a little less everyday. I'm too tired to write today sorry bye :)
I'm sure if anybody read my last blog I may get hater comments. I was only saying what I thought and I still support Pet Shelters and what they are doing but I still like pet stores too (good pet stores). Anyway today I'm just going to talk about my pets what they are like and where I bought them. Let's Start with my first Cat.
Stormy didn't live with us very long only a couple of weeks. My mom didn't want to keep a long-haired cat and we found out that was what he was after a few weeks. My grandpa and grandma offered to take him which they did. I visited Stormy a couple times a month (they lived about a 1 hour and a half away). Stormy was very sweet and affectionate. Actually I only found this out 2 months ago. I always thought everyone called him my cat because I didn't have any pets at the time. My dad told me that stormy used to live with us but then well.. you know. Anyway I guess stormy is still alive. I hope he is. My grandma died of cancer lots of years ago. My grandpa lived alone with my aunts caring for him. But he had developed a problem with stormy or something and he couldn't breathe around him so stormy was sold to someone I didn't get to say goodbye sadly.
Pesky also lived with my grandparents. I have never seen a sweeter cat she was sold with stormy as well. She was mine for a week. My mom didn't know we had brought her home to live with us so my mom really really got mad so back to my grandparents house she went.( She lived with them but they offered for us to take her)
Christina is the cat "both" of my parents bought for me. She is about 7 years old now. I got her for my 6th birthday we adopted her from a animal rescue and hospital and she is well... she's friendly when she wants to be. She has always been there for me and we don't even think of her as cat anymore she's got too much personality and has been with us too long for us to think of her as just a pet. She's family.
Daisy is my first and only dog. She is 3 years old now. I got her when I was 10. She is an outside dog (don't worry we bring her in the house sometimes too) She's sweet and wild. Love her but I can't sit down with her without injuries she is very very very very very hyper-active. But she is very loving (too loving sometimes) and very very very very very Sweet.
Norbit and Gingy:
They are my Guinea Pigs they are very sweet but nervous I love them so much they are very similar in ways. They love carrots and parsley.Norbit is my first guinea pig we got him at a pet store. We kind of rescued him because his owners had given him because their cat wouldn't stop pawing and trying to get at him. He was 30$ for cage, food, bedding and everything. On Sale! LOL. Gingy we got after 2 months of having Norbit we though it would be cute if he got a friend. Gingy is very sweet my little baby he loves to be cuddled and Norbit is very vocal and sweet and loves the petting and ear rubbing.
I've had Harlee for only 2 weeks and he is very tame and sweet. I got him from pet smart he was so tiny. He is a fancy russian dwarf hamster. He was tame from the first day we got him. He is the absolute most spoiled hamster in the entire world.
Habitrail OVO Pad, OVO tower, OVO Adventure pack,OVO Maze, OVO Studio and he has a huge bin cage and a Super Pet Bus travel cage.
(Roll-about Balls)
2 small green roller balls, 2 Green and Blue roller balls, One Motor Cycle Ball,
Boo and Studley:
They are both betta fish. They both have bubble nests right now and are very friendly.
Some people say pet stores are bad some say they are good. What do you think? I hope to get some readers once I get more videos up on youtube.
My opinion on pet stores. Personally this is going to sound bad but I love Petsmart. I don't know how petsmart treats their animals in other different cities but the petsmart I go to takes very good care of them. I love pet smart because they have so many supplies. It is really just one huge pet store. I love animals but I also love pet stores. My hamsters have all been bought at pet stores. They have been bought at pet stores because none of my local animal shelters have any hamsters. Pet stores have gotten a bad rap because of the way they treat their animals. This in a way is true. Some pet stores do not at all take care of their pets properly these are the stores I don't like to shop at * these stores I do not support * I love small animals so pet stores are like home to me I love looking at all the new products watching the hamsters run on their wheels. More than all of this I love watching hamsters going to new homes. Pet Stores are what inspired me to be a Small Animal Specialist. I only shop at Kind, Pet - Smart, Pet stores where they take and I have witnessed good care of their pets. I know people think they are terrible, in humane and filthy places and I am sure some are but as I said I shop at pet-friendly pet stores. Every couple of weeks I'll go to different pet stores and see how they treat their pets. If I like them I'll come back if not I won't. Yesterday I went to Pet Valu and Ruffins and today I went to Pet Crazy.
Let me start with Pet Valu
Pet Valu does not carry any pets really. I found the service friendly But the store itself was kind of dirty and not professional looking. But I was happy with the supplies they had. They had a very wide selection of pet supplies for hamsters and guinea pigs. They even had a few things I was looking for.
Ruffins was filthy. Their animals were in tight small cramped cages that were yes clean but so small. They had other empty cages but crammed 6 dwarf hamsters into one small cage. They had rats and guinea pigs whose cages didn't seem much bigger then the hamsters. I will not be shopping there.Their cage prices were also high. Other then that and besides their pet care they had a pretty good selection of toys for pets.
Pet Crazy well.... they were even. They were..... Hmmm.... they take very good of their pets and they seem to care but yet something didn't seem right. There was a golden beautiful long haired hamster with red sores on his back. The man I spoke to said it was either from the wheel or other hamsters I'll get back to that topic in a minute. They have good selection not too bad of prices service friendly but yet... the pet care part is a little weird to me. They care but yet it's kind of weird.The man said it was from the other hamsters or the wheel (they were trying to run on the wheel at the same time) But the sores didn't look right they looked more like mites to me. I was tempted to adopt the little lady for myself to nurse her back to health. But I have to think about my other hamster my guinea pigs and my other pets. The hamster would be a serious health risk. It seems cruel to me to leave her there but I have to think of my own pets too. She really was a beauty and it is a shame to let her be there but... Another thing that was odd was the fact that there was a very BIG female hamster there. The man said it looked pregnant..very pregnant. I was expecting him to maybe take it off the shelf and place it in  a different cage but no he put her back in there and to be bought off to a person who probably won't know what their doing and won't take care of the babies. I find it sad but he also said she could be just fat. I hope that's all it is. I think I may rescue that injured hamster but we'll see if she's there next week I may have enough to rescue her. But I would still have to talk to my parents about this. She would have to be kept in a another room other cage with no contact with my other pets till she's well. Well I'm going to go bye
Hey to anybody reading this. On this blog I will talk about pet related topics, my pets and maybe random things. Hope you'll like it bye :)
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