One of my favorite memories is when my hamster *r.i.p* Sweetie </3 Fell asleep in my hand for 2 hours straight. I had taken her to a friends house and when I came back she curled up in my hand and had a very long snooze. She was by far the sweetest hamster I've ever had. She was probably my favorite to be honest. She's slept in my hand, on my neck, on my arm and on my stomach. She was a sleeper all right. If I had the smell of food on my hands she would lick not bite. 
I miss that hamster a lot </3 :') 
Harlee slept in my hand for about 5 minutes one time. He was a dwarf hamster so as you can imagine thats pretty special for them to sit still like that. 
I remembered the first time I held Norbit. He was the second guinea pig in the entire I have ever held, and I was freaked out. You see, I was very foolish back in 2009. Sweetie had just died and I was heart broken. One of the things that makes me the most happy is getting another pet. So since Sweetie was so special to me, my mom let me get a guinea pig. I didn't know anything about guinea pigs but the basics of pet life. Food, water, bedding, cage. But don't worry, I quickly found out about the proper care for guinea pigs BEFORE I got Norbit. So Norbit is very special to me, I got him from a local pet shop. But, Norbit was actually left at the pet shop. My local store doesn't usually sell any other pets besides fish. So it was really rare for them to have furry pets. Anyway, when I first held norbit I was terrified. I laugh at that now. But when Norbit started squeaking I freaked out and gave him right back to my dad. My best friend Hannah actually was better at holding Norbit than I was. Once I knew that Norbit wouldn't bite me. I bonded with Norbit a lot that summer. I would hold him on my lap, and cuddle him. I soon learned that Norbit was a cuddle bug. I remember the first time Norbit fell asleep in my lap. It was probably in October or November probably a month or two before I got Gingy. Any it was back in the day when Norbit had a crappy store cage. And it was really cold in my room. So I took Norbit out of the cage and cuddled him in a blanket and he fell asleep for about 30 minutes to an hour.It was the middle of the night so I don't know. Both of my guinea pigs have fallen asleep in my lap before. I take it as quite a compliment when they do that. Those little moments, are the exact reason why I love my pets and all pets. They can be so little and can be such a cheap little thing to buy, but they can give you so much love in return. 

Special Pets I've Had...
-Sweetie *R.I.P*
-Daisy (my first dog and my only dog)
-Christina (my first cat)
-Harlee *R.I.P* 

These pets are the ones that stick out in my mind as special. Anyway thanks for reading *BYE*

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