Hello, someone sent me a message on the contact form thing asking me what are the BEST Small Pet Brands. Okay keep in mind that these brands are a bit expensive but this is because these brands use higher quality products.

For Guinea Pigs: 
Oxbow Cavy Cuisine 14.99 for a 5lb. bag
Oxbow Western Timothy Hay 7.99? but 14.99 for the large bag?
Oxbow Treats (Don't get the banana ones for guinea pigs)
Carefresh Bedding 3.99 to 29.99 
*pricing depends on stores*

For Hamsters:
Carefresh Complete for Hamsters 7.99
Carefresh Bedding 3.99 to 29.99 


For Guinea Pigs:
Boxo Bedding instead of Carefresh or CritterCare Bedding
Living World Healthy Timothy for Guinea Pigs 7.99 for 4lb. bag
Kaytee Timothy Hay "PLUS" CARROTS!!

For Hamsters:
Boxo or CritterCare bedding
Living World Hamster Food and Extrusion Pellets 

Well, that's that. But, the best 3 brands for guinea pigs and other small pets are Carefresh, Oxbow, KleenMama's.

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