Okay, I've been getting some form entries about "my" pets and, what conditions they live in. 
If you want to know what type pets I have you can check my "My Pets :)" page. 
"I" take care of the Guinea pigs, Daisy my dog, and 2 betta fish. I used to have a hamster :'( but he passed away recently. But, he was treated like a king, I swear, when he was still alive. He had a mansion cage. I miss my little guy :') But, anyway okay. 
My guinea pigs Norbit and Gingy live in a 2x3 C&C cage. I know that is technically not the recommended size for two males, but my room is VERY tight for cage space and there is no where else safe enough for them to live. *I have 2 indoor cats and a dog* BUT they get lots of out of cage time.
My Betta Fish live in 1 gallon tanks *each* Considering the cup they used to live in when I bought them, this is PLENTY spacious. And they both currently have bubble nests. 
My Dog Daisy lives in our backyard. She is a HUGE chocolate labrador, and we don't have a really big house so... she's an outdoor dog, sadly. But, she has the hugest living space and running space. She technically has her own house. We built a big dog pen for her outside. Actually, it's not really a pen but it's more like a HUGE dog house. Her dog house is inside the pen but she still has plenty of space in the pen as well AND she has more huge running space as well. *we do bring her inside on rainy days or cold or hot days as well* 
My cats basically live in indoors so they get the run of the house. 

Okay, now to answer your questions
Q. What brand of Guinea Pig food do you feed your Guinea pigs??
A. I feed them Martin's Guinea Pig Food. It's pretty inexpensive, but I'm hopefully going to be switching to a guinea pig food with "Timothy meal" really soon. *The only reason I use this brand right now is because I'm kind of low on cash right now and I don't have enough to buy OXBO guinea pig diet regularly.

Q. What bedding do you use for your guinea pigs?
A. BOXO bedding or fleece. 

Q. I'm thinking of getting a hamster, Are they easy to take care of?? 
A. Well, that depends on what you consider "easy". They do require weekly cleanings and daily feedings. It also depends on whether or not you plan to hold them. If you hold them, then it might take a bit more work for taming. But really I would say if you have the time, then hamsters are pretty easy to take care of. 

Q. Did you just copy all of this stuff off a pet care website or something? :/ 
NO!!!! I wrote all of this based on my own research and experience. But, I did double check everything I wasn't sure on. 

Okay, so now that is done. I have exciting news :)!!!! 
On saturday, I bought a 10 gallon fish tank with a hood and a filter and a heater. So I am going to be getting 4-6 fancy guppies and *maybe* african dwarf frogs and a aquatic snail.  My dad has a fish tank filled with aquatic snails so I figured I might as well take one of his baby snails. A rule of thumb for fish tanks is 1 gallon per 1 inch of the fish. So guppies grow to be a little over an inch so I figure 4 to 6 still leaves them plenty of room. I haven't check yet to see if those Aquatic snails and the African Dwarf frogs can live with the guppies yet. So, I might not get the frogs. But, anyway I'll be getting them on thurs

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