As you probably know, I love animals. Especially "pets'' "small pets" "exotic pets" and up and till now, I wanted to be a Small Animal Veterinarian. But, I don't think I can be. I have an absolute hatred of snakes. Not a fear. I don't mean any offense to those who own snakes. But I find snakes repulsive. I know they don't kill like evil killing, they think of killing poor innocent little animals as meat. But still I find it repulsive. I was on youtube and I was watching a video and I clicked on a Guinea Pig video. But I clicked the wrong video... It was of a Snake killing a guinea pig. It was a quick 18 second video. I couldn't get the internet to close in time... When I pulled out my ear phones, it got pulled out of the computer so I still heard it. That sound of that guinea pigs shock when it was choked will haunt me forever. I immediately burst out in tears. Just watching that guinea pig so trustingly move to that stupid snake. It was the worst video I've ever seen... I HATE snakes to the very core. I know they think of them as meat but still... I ABSOLUTELY HATE SNAKES.... I will never EVER own a snake. If something ever happens that I do. It can starve to death cause I'm not feeding it no guinea pig, hamster, mouse, rat, rabbit. Well, sorry if you love snakes but I just hate snakes. And that's my opinion. *B
So, guess what? It is May 3 and I've got a cold :p Sucks to be me right now. Anyway as some of you may or may not know. I got a hamster this easter weekend. (Not an easter gift) I bought her myself. I don't whether I posted anything about it but anyway, I may have posted that I was thinking about getting a hamster. Well, sometime in April or March I think, I got a fish and a fish tank. I was able to buy those on the agreement with my mother that I don't get a hamster. Well.... I got a hamster anyway. I let the hamster idea go, for a while anyway. And then, I was looking at old photos and videos of my hamsters and missed them a lot. So after 2 weeks of constant persuasion I was finally given the permission to get a hamster. ANY hamster. I always find myself smiling at my parents these days. They both agree that this hamster is one of the cutest pets I've ever had. I find it funny that although they both had said NO to getting a hamster. Now, they love her almost as much as I do. Well, they love her cute little face anyway. Her name is Sweet Pea and she is a darling sweet hamster. But unfortunately I cannot hold her right now grrr... To be quite honest, i have always been a hamster person. Not a guinea pig, dog or cat person. Although I love all my pets equally, I've always loved hamsters. Maybe I'll include a picture somewhere in this blog if possible anyway... if you want to see what she looks like you can look at "My Pets :)" 
See you later !! *poof*
Hello, someone sent me a message on the contact form thing asking me what are the BEST Small Pet Brands. Okay keep in mind that these brands are a bit expensive but this is because these brands use higher quality products.

For Guinea Pigs: 
Oxbow Cavy Cuisine 14.99 for a 5lb. bag
Oxbow Western Timothy Hay 7.99? but 14.99 for the large bag?
Oxbow Treats (Don't get the banana ones for guinea pigs)
Carefresh Bedding 3.99 to 29.99 
*pricing depends on stores*

For Hamsters:
Carefresh Complete for Hamsters 7.99
Carefresh Bedding 3.99 to 29.99 


For Guinea Pigs:
Boxo Bedding instead of Carefresh or CritterCare Bedding
Living World Healthy Timothy for Guinea Pigs 7.99 for 4lb. bag
Kaytee Timothy Hay "PLUS" CARROTS!!

For Hamsters:
Boxo or CritterCare bedding
Living World Hamster Food and Extrusion Pellets 

Well, that's that. But, the best 3 brands for guinea pigs and other small pets are Carefresh, Oxbow, KleenMama's.

Links to websites below:


One of my favorite memories is when my hamster *r.i.p* Sweetie </3 Fell asleep in my hand for 2 hours straight. I had taken her to a friends house and when I came back she curled up in my hand and had a very long snooze. She was by far the sweetest hamster I've ever had. She was probably my favorite to be honest. She's slept in my hand, on my neck, on my arm and on my stomach. She was a sleeper all right. If I had the smell of food on my hands she would lick not bite. 
I miss that hamster a lot </3 :') 
Harlee slept in my hand for about 5 minutes one time. He was a dwarf hamster so as you can imagine thats pretty special for them to sit still like that. 
I remembered the first time I held Norbit. He was the second guinea pig in the entire I have ever held, and I was freaked out. You see, I was very foolish back in 2009. Sweetie had just died and I was heart broken. One of the things that makes me the most happy is getting another pet. So since Sweetie was so special to me, my mom let me get a guinea pig. I didn't know anything about guinea pigs but the basics of pet life. Food, water, bedding, cage. But don't worry, I quickly found out about the proper care for guinea pigs BEFORE I got Norbit. So Norbit is very special to me, I got him from a local pet shop. But, Norbit was actually left at the pet shop. My local store doesn't usually sell any other pets besides fish. So it was really rare for them to have furry pets. Anyway, when I first held norbit I was terrified. I laugh at that now. But when Norbit started squeaking I freaked out and gave him right back to my dad. My best friend Hannah actually was better at holding Norbit than I was. Once I knew that Norbit wouldn't bite me. I bonded with Norbit a lot that summer. I would hold him on my lap, and cuddle him. I soon learned that Norbit was a cuddle bug. I remember the first time Norbit fell asleep in my lap. It was probably in October or November probably a month or two before I got Gingy. Any it was back in the day when Norbit had a crappy store cage. And it was really cold in my room. So I took Norbit out of the cage and cuddled him in a blanket and he fell asleep for about 30 minutes to an hour.It was the middle of the night so I don't know. Both of my guinea pigs have fallen asleep in my lap before. I take it as quite a compliment when they do that. Those little moments, are the exact reason why I love my pets and all pets. They can be so little and can be such a cheap little thing to buy, but they can give you so much love in return. 

Special Pets I've Had...
-Sweetie *R.I.P*
-Daisy (my first dog and my only dog)
-Christina (my first cat)
-Harlee *R.I.P* 

These pets are the ones that stick out in my mind as special. Anyway thanks for reading *BYE*
Okay, so yesterday, as you can see I got the fish! Well... it didn't go "exactly" to plan. You see, I was at the pet store and I brought my mom along with me so she could see which ones I'm getting. I was expecting her to be like, "Ugh, another one" like she usually is. But with fish, my mom is different she's a bit more okay with it. So when we got to the back of the store and she saw the variety she got excited. So I had to here "Okay, what about this one" a lot. I didn't want to buy too many at once so I got.... 4 fish. I also got my pond snail from my dad. So, I got 2 mollys and 2 guppies. One female molly and one male molly. One female guppy and one male guppy. Okay I have to admit, buying a male and female guppy was intentional and not a mistake. Ha. But the mollys were unintentional. But my mom is excited, to see what happens. If "her" mollys have babies. Okay so here is what we bought..
1 Dalmatian Molly (Pongo)
1 Black Molly (Missis)
1 Male Colorful Blue, Red and Black Guppy (Homer)
1 Female, Red and blue guppy (Marge)
Sadly they aren't fancy guppies. But they are still very pretty. I will include some "look-a-like" photos in the "My Pets :)" page. The female might already be pregnant because she has a black spot "there". It could be something else but we'll just wait and see. I'll probably get 1 more molly and 2 more guppies but I'll get those some other time. *BYE*

I no longer own the guppies and the black molly. They went to a lovely home. 
I still have the dalmatian molly and I am keeping him. I now have 2 goldfish and a white molly with 2 baby mollies. Things are doing pretty good except my dalmatian molly has pop eye but he seems to be recovering, hopefully he'll get better *fingers crossed*
Okay, I've been getting some form entries about "my" pets and, what conditions they live in. 
If you want to know what type pets I have you can check my "My Pets :)" page. 
"I" take care of the Guinea pigs, Daisy my dog, and 2 betta fish. I used to have a hamster :'( but he passed away recently. But, he was treated like a king, I swear, when he was still alive. He had a mansion cage. I miss my little guy :') But, anyway okay. 
My guinea pigs Norbit and Gingy live in a 2x3 C&C cage. I know that is technically not the recommended size for two males, but my room is VERY tight for cage space and there is no where else safe enough for them to live. *I have 2 indoor cats and a dog* BUT they get lots of out of cage time.
My Betta Fish live in 1 gallon tanks *each* Considering the cup they used to live in when I bought them, this is PLENTY spacious. And they both currently have bubble nests. 
My Dog Daisy lives in our backyard. She is a HUGE chocolate labrador, and we don't have a really big house so... she's an outdoor dog, sadly. But, she has the hugest living space and running space. She technically has her own house. We built a big dog pen for her outside. Actually, it's not really a pen but it's more like a HUGE dog house. Her dog house is inside the pen but she still has plenty of space in the pen as well AND she has more huge running space as well. *we do bring her inside on rainy days or cold or hot days as well* 
My cats basically live in indoors so they get the run of the house. 

Okay, now to answer your questions
Q. What brand of Guinea Pig food do you feed your Guinea pigs??
A. I feed them Martin's Guinea Pig Food. It's pretty inexpensive, but I'm hopefully going to be switching to a guinea pig food with "Timothy meal" really soon. *The only reason I use this brand right now is because I'm kind of low on cash right now and I don't have enough to buy OXBO guinea pig diet regularly.

Q. What bedding do you use for your guinea pigs?
A. BOXO bedding or fleece. 

Q. I'm thinking of getting a hamster, Are they easy to take care of?? 
A. Well, that depends on what you consider "easy". They do require weekly cleanings and daily feedings. It also depends on whether or not you plan to hold them. If you hold them, then it might take a bit more work for taming. But really I would say if you have the time, then hamsters are pretty easy to take care of. 

Q. Did you just copy all of this stuff off a pet care website or something? :/ 
NO!!!! I wrote all of this based on my own research and experience. But, I did double check everything I wasn't sure on. 

Okay, so now that is done. I have exciting news :)!!!! 
On saturday, I bought a 10 gallon fish tank with a hood and a filter and a heater. So I am going to be getting 4-6 fancy guppies and *maybe* african dwarf frogs and a aquatic snail.  My dad has a fish tank filled with aquatic snails so I figured I might as well take one of his baby snails. A rule of thumb for fish tanks is 1 gallon per 1 inch of the fish. So guppies grow to be a little over an inch so I figure 4 to 6 still leaves them plenty of room. I haven't check yet to see if those Aquatic snails and the African Dwarf frogs can live with the guppies yet. So, I might not get the frogs. But, anyway I'll be getting them on thurs

Hi, So as you guys should know, your supposed to clip or cut or trim (whichever way you decide to say it) your guinea pigs nails. You should do this about every 2 weeks, or a month. It depends on your Guinea Pig. Anyway, I believe I posted a guinea pig nail clipping video on this website on the Good Small Pet Care Videos page. So, watch that if you need an idea on how to hold your Guinea Pig. I have some terrible news, Norbit cut his nail "Quick or blood vessel" Yesterday, I was clipping his nails, as usual but then as I got to one nail. Norbit flipped and wiggled and shook his foot, I hadn't actually pressed down on it, but I was preparing to cut. So when he shook his foot, poor thing, he cut his own quick. I had him, and I was holding his foot but he took me by surprise. Norbit is usually the calm clipper. Gingy on the other hand always freaks out. Yesterday, they switched roles. It was one of the worst things, I've ever seen. I've never seen any of my pets bleed before. NONE of them in the history of all over 30 pets I've ever had in my ENTIRE life. I have NEVER seen one of them bleed before. I wasn't grossed out nor did I freak out or anything, but I felt SO guilty. At least I was prepared. Norbit is getting the pampered little prince treatment. I put him in a different cage  without Gingy. Instead of bedding he has a soft blanket. He has his big cozy pet bed. Tons of hay and a couple treats. Poor little guy. He's doing much better. I've never cut one of my guinea pigs quick before so I didn't know how much it would hurt him. Anyway, thanks for reading, Good 
Okay, man, it's great to be back... I love writing these blog things. Since, I currently don't have any type of camera to make Youtube videos, I have to do "this". Anyway as you can probably tell, I'm going to be reviewing pet bedding for Guinea Pigs. 
*Here are the different types of Pet bedding you can choose from*
1. Fleece (most commonly used for C&C cages)
2. Carefresh Bedding (expensive)
3. Boxo Bedding (pretty inexpensive)
4. Critter Care (commonly mistaken for Carefresh- otherwise pretty inexpensive)
5. Aspen 
6. Eco Bedding (paper bedding)
7. Newspaper (not recommended)

Okay here we go, 
Fleece Pros and Cons 
Pros: It was very tidy, no bedding was kicked out the side of the bars. It added a nice pop of color in the cage. Guinea pigs loved it! They would lay down and sleep on it. Quick cleanup 
Cons: It smelled bad, had to be changed often. Guinea pigs would sometimes crawl under the fleece and poo and pee there. 

Carefresh Pros and Cons
Pros: I loved the colors, it was very soft. My guinea pigs enjoyed this bedding as well. Absorbent. 
Cons: Wasn't a big difference as far as smell goes, Poop and pee showed very much through the white bedding but that was expected. Too expensive. 

Boxo Pros and Cons
Pros: Cheap, Absorbent, Very soft, Guinea Pigs loved it, 
Cons: Not a pleasant smell when I first opened the bag. No color options. 

Critter Care Pros and Cons
Pros: It was comfortable for the guinea pigs. Has different color options.
Cons: It smelled very bad when you first open the bag, some what dusty, It's very hard to find Critter Care Colors now. 

Aspen Pros and Cons 
Pros: It isn't bad for the guinea pigs. (i've personally have never used Aspen for my Guinea pigs)
Cons: Too dusty, and bits can get into the Guinea pigs eye.

Eco Bedding Pros and Cons (Note: I haven't tried this product since 2009, but they have added a new line supposedly more absorbent)
Pros: Loved the Colors, Very Inexpensive.
Cons: Didn't hold odors very well, bad absorbency, Small bag.

Newspaper (Note: Do not use this on a regular basis, I only used this once on emergency when we had ran out of bedding and couldn't go to the store)
Pros: None but they were not made for real bedding 
Cons: BAD BAD BAD. Terrible but they were never made for bedding so this review is pretty much pointless :)

Anyway, the bedding I am currently using and love is BOXO bedding :) good luck on choosing your pets preferred bedding. Hopefully this helped in your search. If you would like me to test a certain bedding or product for you, just leave a comment or contact me from the Home Page *B
So i've been considering, getting a new hamster. If I had to choose, I would probably pick a Syrian Hamster. Preferably female but small. And color, well? You can't really choose the color till you get there. I like Syrians better because 1. You can hold them much longer than dwarfs 2. they live longer 3. They are just plain cute.
I also don't like Syrians because 1. The longer they are in your hand, the more they go into the bathroom in your hand. 2. They poop and pee more 3........ I can't think of a 3.
I'd pay for it by myself of course, so really there is nothing standing in my way of getting one. They are simply, adorable, some what easy creatures to take care of. Even my mother, her holy mouse hating highness, thinks that the Hamsters are the best pets i've had. Surprising isn't it?..... *Update* I don't think I will get another Hamster... Instead I'll just spoil my Guinea Pigs :) 
I think the title is pretty much says it all...